After spending sometime in Granada I decided I would reflect on the differences between Granada and Costa Rica. I visited Costa Rica in May 2011 for a month living with a host family learning Spanish. Although, I know there will be many differences there are some similarities. And it is interesting because if King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella did not fund Christopher Columbus trip to the Americas, Costa Rica would have probably been found by another country and speak another language rather Spanish.
In Costa Rica, people say 'halo' to say hello, 'con mucho gusto' to say thank you, 'chao' to say goodbye, and 'pura vida' to say good. In Granada, I hear more 'hola' which means hello, 'que tal?' which is similar to wassup, and vale! which means okay.
In Costa Rica, my host mother stayed at home cleaning the house. In Granada, my host mother wakes up earlier than I do to go to work.
In Costa Rica, the streets are bigger. Some streets have 2 plus lanes while in Granada the streets are very small and a 2 lane street. But the traffic is heavily dense in both cities.
In Costa Rica, dinner is the most important meal. The father gets off work and comes home to a meal with the family. In Granada, lunch is the most important meal. Families come home from work and stores close around 2 so they can make it home to eat lunch with the family during siesta.
The sense of style is different. In Costa Rica, it seemed like their style was 10 years behind the rest. They wore clothes I used to wear a long time ago. While in Spain it is more important to dress up. They are not behind in style but it is different from the US. For example, the men here wear capris and short shorts.
In Costa Rica security was a huge issue. My host parents lived in a gated house with two locks. Almost all the houses in Costa Rica are gated. While in Granada, living in a house is expensive so many of them live in apartments. I live on the fourth floor of an apartment.
When I went to Costa Rica it was during the middle of winter which means 80 degree weather with a lot of rain! It rained very often while I was there but it was too hot to put on heavy rain gear. In Granada, the weather is very similar to Los Angeles where I am from. It is hot almost 90 degrees, dry air, and during the night it gets cold.
In Costa Rica, my host family spoke very fast that often times I would tune out at dinner. In Granada, they speak with a lisp.
In Costa Rica, the people look very latino/hispanic. Some resembled Europeans but you could tell that they some of them were descendants of indigenous. In Granada, the people look white. I guess its because they are in Europe.
In Costa Rica, there were many stray dogs laying on the street. In Granada, I have not seen much stray animals but the pets I have seen are very obedient. They are not on a leash and follow their owner. They don't bark at other dogs like my dog Spanky would.
In Costa Rica, there was no street names. When I would take the taxi home I would tell him my house is in Curridabat next to the church and the park and the driver would know where to go. But in Granada, there are street names (thank God) and a lot of plazas.
In Costa Rica, I never drank water from the faucet. I spent a lot of money buying water bottles. In Granada, the faucet water is fresh from the mountain springs so I often times fill up my water bottle from the sink.
In both Costa Rica and Granada it is a custom to wear shoes everywhere in the house. Walking around the house barefoot or even to go use the bathroom is strange to them. Often times I would break this rule because I would forget to put on shoes. Then I would be stuck with this awkward feeling of should I walk back barefoot and get my shoes or should I just stay here and next time remember to wear my shoes.
There sense of space is very tiny in both countries. People will stand close to you and they will not think nothing of it. The elevator in my apartment is a little smaller than the size of my closet and about 3-6 people will try to fit in their (btw my closet is very small). There are so many times I would bump shoulders with someone walking pass me and I would turn around and say excuse me but the other person will just keep on walking. It doesn't matter to them.
These countries both have beautiful beaches! Costa Rica has a warmer beach.
They both have tiny beds. At my house in LA, I could still share a twin size bed with my sister but the beds I have slept in abroad are very tiny and only room for one person.
These are both very expensive countries! Gas costs about $7-8 dollars for a gallon. But in these countries they pay by the liter.
Everywhere I went in these countries people could tell I was American and will speak to me in English. I really need to work on blending in.
These countries are both very sensitive about water. I have to take a 5-10 min shower and if it's longer than I would get yelled at by my host parents. Right now, Spain is going through a drought.
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